Banff National Park

Banff National Park of Canada is located in southwestern Alberta, Canada. The park is famous for its vibrant lakes, beautiful mountains and providing easy access to outdoor adventures of all kinds. It is one of Canada’s oldest parks.


Make a single page website including an api to help improve the user experience. Make getting around the site easy. Place emphasis on the park.

The Team

Julius (me),Makaela Ramalackhan, Alyssa Colameo

My role

Web design



To make the whole website correlate I used colors that match with the colors of the park, and a font that is easy to read for all users.

Menu/initial image

To intrigue users I added a beautiful image of the park. I made sure that the website is very easy to use, by making sure that the user can jump from one section to another with one click on a sticky available. Throughout the website I added relevant information about the park activities, prices, reviews and font to match with the park.


A map api was added to the interface to help improve the user interaction to help them move around and see what is located in and around the park.


One of the most important part of this project was to make sure that the site is mobile first(responsive).


Another important part of this website was to make it billingual to suit the majority of the audience who speak french and/or english. Many checks were made to make sure thattranslation from english to french was perfect.

What I learn't

I learn't many things after finishing the website. The importance of a bilingual website cannot be underrated, it is essential for every website in Canada, the translation process is also really important, to make sure that each and every word is what you want it to be, it is not an easy process. On the orinigal Banff website, there is no real intrigue, that peaks the users interest, that is why I added the api and the initial landing image, to keep users on the site.